Preparing for Your HBOT Treatment:
The following items must not be worn during treatment:
- Dentures
- Contact lenses
- Girdles
- Nail polish (must be dry at least 24 hours)
- Oral retainers
- False eyelashes
- Hats or caps
- Jewelry (watches, rings, bracelets, etc.)
- Hair accessories
- Nylon bras
- Nylons (hose or pantyhose)
- Synthetics (i.e. rayon, nylon, etc.)
- Hearing aides
- Wigs or hair pieces
- Support braces (unless approved by attending technician)
Before treatment you should not have used:
- Hair spray
- Deodorant
- Make up
- Liniments
- Hair gel or mousse
- Ointments
- Petroleum based products/Vaseline products
- Perfumes
- Lotions
- Aftershave products
- Salves
During treatment, the following items are prohibited inside the chamber:
- Paper products of any kind
- Crayons
- Toys
- Cell phones
- CD players
- Pocket warmers
- Pencils
- Pens
- Books or newspapers
- Lighters
- Matches
- Electronic games
- Radios
- Laptop computer
During treatment, the following items might be premitted:
- Spectacle type eyeglasses
- Certain types of drinking bottles (provided those bottles do not have writing or logos)