Hyperbaric oxygen has been used to treat migraines since the 1930s. Early theories state that migraines occur because of changes in the blood flow to the brain. One theory is that waves of activity in the brain cells trigger the release of serotonin, which in turn narrows the blood vessels. When these blood vessels narrow, oxygen to the brain is reduced, and migraines can be triggered.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy works by administering 100% oxygen at higher than normal air pressures. It has the ability to open new blood vessels in order to increase blood supply and decrease inflammation, which may help many people who suffer from this painful and prevalent neurological disorder.

How does HBOT help with migraines?

The pure oxygen that is delivered at an increased pressure in the chamber dramatically increases the amount of available oxygen to the patient. It is carried by the blood plasma, enabling more oxygen to reach different areas of the body, including the brain. Additional oxygen could restore blood flow to brain tissue, as well as reduce swelling and decrease blood vessel spasms. Many studies show that a large number of migraine sufferers get significant pain relief after HBOT treatments.

Does HBOT prevent future migraines?

While HBOT may not prevent future migraines, it can effectively eliminate the pain and symptoms during migraine attacks. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a non-invasive and safe treatment that has shown to have great results in treating migraine headaches. While HBOT has little to no adverse side effects, can be used any number of times, and it works for approximately 80%-90% of our patients.